A "Green" Building

The Park Millennium Condominium Association prides itself on being an award-winning environmentally conscious residential building. Since the building’s conversion to condominiums, the following steps have been taken to lessen our impact on our environment:

Electronics Recycling
Due to the hazards associated with filling our landfills with electronic waste, The Park Millennium has set up an electronics recycling and proper disposal program. Used batteries, old light bulbs, old laptops, and many other small electronics are collected at the front desk and are then dropped off to the City of Chicago’s Household Waste Collection Center. There, the items are disassembled and any hazardous materials they contain are reprocessed and reused in an environmentally-responsible manner.

Lights-Out in Elevators
Elevator lights and exhaust fans are usually set to be on 24 hours a day, even when it is not in use. To reduce electricity usage, The Park Millennium upgraded its passenger elevators with “Lights Out” technology. This system now turns off the lights and exhaust fans inside the elevators when they are not in use.

Motion Sensors in Common Areas
Several of the building’s low-traffic areas, such as the locker rooms, have motion sensors installed; lights in these areas are activated only when a person is present.

Photocells Installed for Exterior Lighting
The Park Millennium has photocells connected to its exterior lighting controls. As a result, the lights automatically turn on and off depending on the natural light conditions.

Recycling Program
The Park Millennium has instituted a comprehensive recycling program. Recycling bins are placed on each floor so that residents and owners can easily and effortlessly separate recyclables from trash. The building’s waste management company transports the collected items to its recycling center for proper processing. In 2009, the building recycled many tons of goods.

Timers for Pool Lights
The Park Millennium’s pool and hot tub area has skylights in its ceiling. Since there is plenty of natural light during the daytime, only emergency lighting is left on during these hours.

Electronics Drop Off Locations
Here is a list of locations in the Chicagoland area where you can drop off other electronic devices that are no longer in use:

Household Chemicals & Comuter Recycling Facility
1150 N North Branch Street (2 blocks east of the Kennedy Expressway at Division Street)

Recycle Tech Solutions
2000 W Division or 3639 N Broadway

PC Rebuilders & Recyclers
3053 N Knox
Mon - Fri: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM (excluding holidays)

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